My Understanding of Agile Development

 “Agile” is a hot word that has been discussed for several years here at Shinetech. In 2006, our general manager held a series of project manager meetings discussing project development methods and quality assurance, as it fits within an “agile” concept.

During those meetings, we rarely discussed theory, focusing instead upon experiences and methods.  During that period, I learned methods from others and consulted resources to develop a system of work that best fits within the agile concept. After a time, it seemed that I believed a kind of creed—one I hope to pass to each developer around me.

Thanks to our concrete understanding and practice of agile, our well-versed staff is able to answer questions and offer advice along the lines of the following:

  • Keep hands on the keyboard, not relying on the mouse as much
  • Adopt auto-deployment, for it can save you 80 percent of launch time
  • Let the first iteration be integrated on your customer’s deployed server to avoid potential problems emerging with the final deployment
  • Use TDD (test-driven development) to write UTs (unit tests), and utilize these basic UT cases to reach TTD, a process of software development that occurs with repetition of a very short cycle of development.
  • Familiarize yourself with the shortcut keys in VS2010 by trying to use some you may not have used before
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