Implementing Agile Today

The benefits of agile are widely known, but may be difficult to implement—at least at first. When developers are switching over to Agile methodology, the first question they may be asking is: How can I work Agile into my daily tasks?
This question may come in tandem with the following issues for developers who ask it:
- They’re in a team which is not Agile enough
- They’re not used to Agile thinking
- They’re in a project which doesn’t apply Agile
If you’re struggling with these issues, or wondering how best to implement Agile, here are some tips to increase Agile in your day-to-day projects:
1. Check your task breakdown spreadsheet. If you cannot see your tasks laid out for the entire day of work, restructure your time plan and modify your breakdown until all tasks are accounted for.
2. Make sure you’re completing the task at the highest priority on the top of your task list first and structure the rest of your tasks in order of importance.
3. Ask questions of your team leader or the business owner as they relate to your project. Learning to communicate with your team member and your client is a good way to begin understanding and utilizing Agile methodology.
4. Test your work at the end every day. The ten to twenty minutes you spend on this task at the end of the day will save you time in the long run when you move on to delivery.
5. Instant delivery and deployment can provide encouragement to both your team members and your client, but keep in mind that your client is not your tester. Ensure quality of delivery with your team members before passing it onto the client. This will ensure that your work is up to Agile and company standards at every turn in the project.
Work enjoyment often leads to better quality development. Agile is based in a structure that developers enjoy completing. So don’t think of Agile as a task, but as interesting puzzle for you to solve, a way to work that puts your mind to the test and involves your creativity and quick thinking.
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