Subjective Initiative in the Agile Software Industry
Subjective initiative is a common term in China that refers to a person’s willingness to take charge or be compelled to take action without having to be asked. A person will often recognize the positive that can come from a situation, or how they may be helpful, and proceed with assisting to better the situation independently of someone else asking them to do so. This term can be applied to one’s personal life, as well as the choices they make at work.
I recently worked with a client who needed to present the TFS (Team Foundation Serve) process. I took the initiative to help him prepare the whole process presentation, even though he didn’t ask me to do so. When he asked for my assistance in presenting the process to his partners, I was happy to help, even though it didn’t fall within my responsibilities as his worker.
When you see a client or co-worker struggling, have subjective initiative and help them.
Subjective initiative is a powerful way to assist clients. When you show a client that you share their worries and work with them to alleviate those concerns, they know you have their best interests in mind.
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